Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I've google every place I can think of to see what the experts say is the "too cold" temperature to walk outside. When I started today it was 4 degrees. I lasted 5 miles. And the hardest part was the streets with no sidewalks. They had been replaced with piles of frozen slush from the street plow.

Why don't birds freeze, or squirrels. Why does the surface of hills seem to melt faster than the flat stretches? Why was I not cold, not for one moment outside? (I can answer that last question... I have a new coat!!!)

When I started walking in the summer, in Hawaii, I didn't need clothes. Wait. That sounds like I didn't wear any. Of course, the temperature in Hawaii is kind enough that you don't have to wear them. But I was modest, never fear. Back home, in the hot August humidity, turning to the warm Autumn months, I never needed much. My focus was on my shoes - and you can read my facebook posts about the adventure of buying shoes that come with a video on how to walk in them.

But as cold weather approached, I realized I didn't have good outside walking gear. After I wrapped up in my red sweat pants, a turquoise colored wind breaker and my my son's green ear muffs I looked like a bag lady - with great shoes. But today, O! today! I walked out in black sweats, knit cap and gloves and ....drumroll.... A space age, thinsulate, neoprene, hooded wonder of a coat as warm as a baby's bottom. The elements didn't bother me. I was appropriately clothed - and sylish!

How many times have I been ill-equipped? How many times have I had a genuine need and tried to fix it with old sweat pants and a windbreaker? More times than I'd like to admit. Mile after mile passed and I thought about my life-long pattern of trying to fix things in my life. How much of my own energy and wits have been used in trying to 'make it happen'. I came to this conclusion. I am a lousy god.

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